Missions and Outreach

Mission and Service Opportunities

In order to make Christ known, we must sow into the lives of others by cultivating gifts of the Holy Spirit through the church’s ministries.

Have a question for one of our mission leaders? Contact us.

Christian Education Ministries

Christian Growth Committee

Children’s Ministry: Jessica Kirwan and Lindsay Chance

Infant through 5th grade– Serving opportunities are available throughout the year as nursery caregivers, Sunday school and Children’s Church teachers, and event volunteers.

Youth Ministry

Middle and High Schoolers– Serving opportunities are available throughout the year as Sunday school teachers and Youth on Main volunteers.

Centershot: Ron Duke

Centershot is a non-denominational outreach program that shares the Gospel of Jesus using the life-skill of archery while including a thirty-minute devotional during every session. Archery lets everyone play, from youth (10 years or older) to senior citizens!

Adult Sunday School

If you are interested in starting or helping lead a small group Bible study for adults, please contact the church office.

Missions Ministries

Missions Committee Lead:

Bread for Life Food Pantry and the Backpack Program: Ron & Joyce Duke

The Backpack Program provides 2-3 weekend meals and snacks to children in the free/reduced breakfast/lunch program. Bags of food are delivered to the Bread for Life Food Pantry once a week. Our volunteers pick up and deliver the bags to Botetourt Elementary for the children to take home for meals throughout the weekend. Workers are also needed to help with a variety of tasks at the Bread for Life Food Pantry.

Gloucester/Mathews Free Care Clinic

The clinic services those who do not have health insurance and who fall below a level of income that makes going to a doctor cost prohibitive. Our church supports the clinic financially and with volunteers to help with administrative tasks and medical screenings. Licensed nurses and doctors are also needed.

Samaritan Group: Arliss Ketchum

The Samaritan group assists people in need of short-term financial assistance due to extraordinary events such as loss of job or medical issues. We also offer an annual scholarship that was founded in honor of the late Dr. Mel Shelby to nursing students attending Rappahannock Community College.

Presbyterian Women Ministries

Presbyterian Women Lead: Patty Emery

Presbyterian Women groups focus on meeting to study and share God’s word, and supporting mission work locally, nationally, and internationally. Local missions include Healing Eagle Medical Clinic, and supporting elementary schools in Mathews and Gloucester counties. National missions focus on disaster relief, and international missions include Friends of Barnabas and Marion Medical Mission.

Prayer Shawl: Barbara Fleming

Ministry members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss, or are in the midst of a life crisis. 

Worship Ministries

Worship Committee Lead: Micheal Haley

Flower Committee: Becky Horsely

The flower committee consists of people who love working with arrangements for the sanctuary. Each volunteer is responsible for one month a year and occasionally helps with a flower extravaganza. 

Ushers: Ted Gross

Ushers work as a team one Sunday a month under the guidance of the Worship Committee. They also assist in other activities in the sanctuary.

Greeters: Joanne Julian

Our committee recruits and schedules two volunteers every Sunday morning to welcome people before church services. This might include guiding a visitor to the nursery or children’s church classroom. We strive to provide a friendly atmosphere for everyone!

Liturgists: Wynne Beale

Are you being called to assist Pastor Doug and Pastor Kathryn with Grace on Main worship services? Well, we have a place for you on the Liturgist Team! We provide training and resources. Volunteers are scheduled for one or two services per quarter. 

Adult Music: John Peabody

Grace on Main provides singing opportunities with several choirs: Sanctuary Choir, The Ensemble, Women’s Ensemble, and the Bell Choir. All groups rehearse weekly throughout the year. Most groups present an anthem at least monthly. The Bell Choir presents special music about once a month. Newcomers are welcome in all groups! 

Youth Music: Caroline Peabody

The purpose of the youth music ministry is to empower young hearts with confidence to express their faith and worship through music. Rehearsals are as needed throughout the year immediately following the service. The Grace Note Choir is for young voices, pre-school through 3rd grade. The Inspire Choir is for older youth. The Genesis Ringers is an introductory bell group for older children. Grace Alive is comprised of intergenerational groups who perform in the Christmas pageant.

Additional Service Ministries

IT Team:  

The IT Team is responsible for all computer or related equipment including TVs, cameras, projectors, and microphones. Did you know our Stream Team reaches over 130 people across multiple states every Sunday? If you are interested, we want you! Our website needs regular updates to keep it interesting and informative.

Building & Grounds: 

This includes all maintenance and improvements of the church building, columbarium, and grounds. We also work on demand outside of the church to help those in need of home repairs.

Prayer Chain: Nancy Wesson

This is an email chain that goes out to recipients willing to pray for those who request prayer. Covenant partners serving on the Prayer Chain must keep prayer requests in strict confidence.

Healing Prayer Team: Ron Duke

The Healing Prayer Team is available to lay hands on and pray with/for those seeking prayer after the Sunday service in the chapel. Team members will also go to someone’s home if they request prayer and are unable to come to church.

Hospitality: Stephanie Ruff

The Hospitality Committee is responsible for manning and coordinating the Welcome Area in the gathering space as well as various receptions and events including Fruitful Fellowship. Volunteers are needed to provide simple snacks for Fruitful Fellowship where people eat and socialize after the Sunday service.

Kitchen & Food Committee: Becky Ogburn

A core group of partners are needed to prepare and serve food and clean up. We would love to have anyone interested join us. We organize and prepare covered dish luncheons and ‘Hurried Family’ meals.

Eva’s Visiting Angels: Eva Mullins

One day each month (September-June) we visit residents of Gloucester and sometimes those who are homebound. We dress in various costumes, sing, and give out cards (over 400) to those we visit. We delight in bringing joy to the community.

Deacons: Cindy Meier

The Deacons offer support and outreach to our covenant partners by taking care of their needs through ‘meal trains,’ providing a ‘funeral basket’ to show we care, providing homebound communion when requested, and sending birthday and anniversary wishes. We also support the community through the Halloween outreach, community movie night, and offering activities for Cary House. 

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